Experience and technology for infrastructure
A story of passion and far-sightedness
In 1973, two young brothers began their adventure as artisans: industrial floor coverings was their world. Now we are a big family – Benassi S.r.l. Over 50 staff members and co-workers, with the second generation ready to take the helm towards tomorrow.
Over the years the world has changed and we have also evolved. But we have based our development on three principles:
Simple yards or major infrastructure, the utmost commitment and professionalism – Always
Study, experiment, the hands-on approach – Always
Feel we have arrived as far as we can go – Never.
Build, in our own way
Benassi is a partner – one you can count on when there are important decisions to be made. We stand out for our high level of specialization in infrastructure works and pipe rehabilitation using innovative trenchless methods. We support the customer.
Our dedication to each project is clearly evident – from simple yards or major infrastructure. Experience, commitment and passion – values that make us the best investment for your construction work.
Looking towards tomorrow
If we were able to ask the young Pietro Benassi of 1973 what he thought the future of his business would be, he would probably have never imagined the Benassi of today.
As we, in the present day, can only theorise as to where our endeavours will take us. Thinking of tomorrow, we now have – three commitments.
Projects we are proud of
When you come across a Benassi construction site and want to know more, this is the right place to find out.
Here are a few details about past projects and those in progress.
Cheese factory Cavola di Toano
PA spa
Metall steel
Mediopadana – Terminal One
Flash Battery srl
Platform basket srl
Conad le colline
Philip morris
Logistics Centre Rossetto
Elettric 80
Large-scale water supply hose lining
Trenchless applications for pressurised irrigation systems – “Quartier del Piave”
UV-CIPP rehabilitation of 2 km of sewer pipes